Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday Blues? Write Your Own Caption!

The Monday after Easter can be a rough day. I thought we could have a few laughs writing a caption for this picture:

This picture cracks me up even without a caption. Have fun! I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!! :)

(Missed the last one? Click here for the link.)


  1. I claim this rain forest, monkey you are now my servant bring me a warm bottle now!

  2. Male pattern balding already?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

  3. "Say hello to my little friend!"

  4. "I want my diaper changed NOW!!!!!!!!!!!"

  5. HAHA when first looked at this picture I though Jayden was holding a broom screaming at a duster that was stuck in his high chair. Can you tell I don't have a clue what baby stuff looks like? LOL!

  6. So I'm envisioning a reenactment of a scene from "Wedding Crashers" a la Will Ferrel and "Ma!!! The meatloaf! Maaaaaaaaa! The meatloaf!!"

    We Jayden is such a cutie! :)
