Thursday, November 4, 2010

Does Anyone Else Do This?

Adam during one of our trips to the Toronto Zoo

In many ways my husband is a 5 year old. I'll always remember the time (about 9 years ago now) he had two pieces of candy and he ate one and I suggested he save the other one for later and he very quickly unwrapped it and put the whole thing in his mouth with a big smile on his face. I still laugh when I think about it.

It was very cold and raining (and hailing) on Halloween this year so we got less trick-or-treaters than usual. After we turned off the lights and locked the doors, I hid the bowl of candy, and went to bed. Adam stayed up with Jayden.

The next morning, he gave me a dirty look when he woke up and said he can't believe I hid the candy.

I reminded him of Halloween the year before. I woke up to candy wrappers all over the coffee table. I'm telling you, he is 5. If you leave him a bowl of candy, he will eat a bowl of candy.

I put three pieces of candy in his lunch bag.

When he got to work he told everyone about how I hid the candy. Then he told everyone I gave him three pieces for the day and they were all laughing and saying that I was rationing his candy intake.

So am I the worst wife ever or does anyone else do this?


  1. lol, no it totally makes sense to me. My husband is a big kid, and I have to monitor these things. Then again, I'm pretty bad when it comes to candy too LOL

  2. You HAVE to do this or there will be no candy for you! haha. DH can be the same way - if there is junk food in the house it doesn't stand a chance. So I bring in fruits & veggies. DH will still sneak in a bag of chips and then go through the whole bag in one sitting. *sigh* But I did see him with a pear the other day ...

  3. That cracks me up. My husband needs to do that to me. I love sweets. We just handed out huge handfuls so we would not have any leftovers, but then of course I bought some on clearance! LOL. Jayden is adorable by the way.

  4. You're a wonderful wife!! If I don't hide chocolate in our house, my husband will eat it ALL in one sitting and then complain the next day when he doesn't have any chocolate to eat. *shaking my head* oh boys

  5. I do that for my husband too - he will eat the whole thing if I don't. If I buy him a treat I give him proper rations of it :) You are NOT alone.

  6. That is so funny! Aren't husband's just preparing us for children? I'm about to throw out the candy. We had ONE trick or treater this year. I opened the door and told him it was his lucky day as I dumped half of the bowl of candy into his bag.

  7. Love it! My husband says I do the same thing, hiding treats etc.

  8. LOLOL I love you guys. This totally cracked me up. We don't hide the candy, we both enjoy pigging out on it haha

  9. This sounds just like my husband. He's like a dog. He'll eat whatever I put in front of him (big or small) but if I forget to feed him he'll just sit longingly looking at the bowl. Too funny! Someones gotta be the keeper of the candy...good for you. :)

  10. I'm with Adam on this one! The more candy the better!!!

  11. Not the only one
    I have to hide the liquorice- but he knows that because he has told me he will eat the whole bag if not stopped. That said, I begin to suspect I need to hide many things- he was craving potato chips and chocolate, so we bought a big bag of each (cheaper). Silly me for thinking it would last a week or two, all gone by the next morning. So now I take the chips away when I go to bed (he won't eat the chocolate without the chips)
